Set 2 



Road Sprinklers, needed to keep the path slick for pulling the loads of logs (Early 1900's) The horses were fit with specially-made studded horseshoes, to keep from slipping. All equipment included hand brakes to slow down enough to keep from running right over the horses or oxen while going downhill. The water tanks could hold up to 3,000 gallons of water.

The watermarks are not a part of the cards


Lumberjacks ate a hot meal that was delivered to them by a sleigh called a 'swingdingle' 

The watermarks are not a part of the cards


Lumberjacks, working in the woods (Early 1900's) while undercutters notch a tree to make it fall

The watermarks are not a part of the cards




Card set close-ups.......1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10